With »The Living Infinite«, SOILWORK brought their mix of modern, melodic and progressive metal to yet another level, releasing the first dual-disc of the band history and the. On the In Flames video of " Trigger" Soilwork appeared and were made interchangeably as a joke to the fans that either band had any indifferences with each other. Ever since their 1998-debut »Steelbath Suicide«, the Helsingborg-based band set their own bars higher with each new creation cementing their distinct sound. Music videos were made for the songs "Rejection Role" and "Light the Torch." In Flames appeared in the "Rejection Role" video, which featured the two bands being seemingly hostile towards each other (early in the video, a member of In Flames can be seen holding up a sign that says "Sellout" as the band drives by Soilwork). However, vocalist Björn Strid has said the album has good melodies but lacks in intensity and could've been better composed many fans and critics considered the album "rushed". The album is considered a more commercial sound by most fans of Swedish death metal, but it arguably gives the music a broader appeal. While it is not necessarily interconnected with the keyboardist songwriting, this album features more use of the keyboard and lighter melodies. BackgroundThis album marked keyboardist Sven Karlsson's first attempts at songwriting for the band.